Saturday we were in Macon, Georgia & visited the Museum of Arts & Sciences. We had been there before but it has been a couple of years so we decided to go one more time. They have visiting exhibits as well as their permanent displays, so there is always something new to see.
As we were paying at the admissions desk they were announcing their planetarium show, "My Backyard", which was about to begin. So we hurried in to get our seat. They had some interesting information but it was really geared to younger elementary children. My son who is now grown (in his mind) at the old age of 10, groaned through most of it. It had some snappy tunes & when I joined in snapping my fingers...well lets say he is getting to the age where your parents embarrass you. Ah...the wonderful tween years!
As we exited the planetarium they had an exhibit of minerals & sea shells. He liked this more because he loves anything that can be dug up, but he especially loves the ocean. They had a wide variety of sea shells along with some small plant & animal specimens.
We then heard an announcement for an animal show in their mini zoo (which is indoors). The volunteer brought out a cockatoo named Georgia who stole the show. Georgia refused to be quiet & really showed off by displaying her feathers & loud voice! She had the whole group laughing.
Next was an opossum that cannot live in the wild due to brain damage. The poor thing can only walk in circles! She put it down on the floor & it slowly made its way to us...made us dizzy to watch. 
Next she brought out a boa that had been shot in the face & is now totally blind. It was very docile & is safe for the volunteers to handle. The kids were able to pet the opossum & the snake. My son loves animals so he enjoyed this.
There are three stories to the museum so we went up to the third level which houses the han
ds on art area. There are tables & supplies for the kids to draw & be creative.
Next we headed to the basement which houses the hands on science area. They have a dinosaur dig, telescopes with specimens for you to view, & other activities dealing with magnetism, gravity, etc.
We then went to view the visiting exhibit which at this time is an artists display of glass work. There is blown glass globes, paper weights, vases, & display plates. They were absolutely amazing! The globes & vases had a 3D effect & the main theme was the ocean floor. The plates looked like ocean waves...very pretty. The gift shop has some smaller pieces available for sale with the average price running around $250.00...worth it for an original piece of art. Alas, I could not afford it. The gift shop has a lot of other items for sale geared to the kids so we always have to hit it before we leave.
So the next time you are in the Macon, Georgia area stop by for a visit. The admission for the museum is $8.00 for adults & $4.00 for children. For more information & directions go to
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